Friday, March 11, 2011

On customer service

So, my husband's truck died last night. He had a late surgery and at the anticipated "coming home" call time, I instead hear that it seems the battery has quit. Great.
I hop in my car, drive down to the hospital to pick him up, and the two of us decide it's too late to deal with the tow truck. "Let's wait until morning," we both agree. I had to drive him in anway, right? Sigh.

So, at 6:30 a.m. we head out. The roads are wet now, but not exactly iced over as they were the night before. We made good time, and as I drove, Husband called the insurance company since towing is part of our plan. We were told 40 minutes. Not awful.

He goes to a meeting. I wait. Outside. In the car, but still. The hospital security guard tries jumping the battery. To no avail. Well, at least chivalry isn't dead.

It's now been over an hour. I call the tow company. "Twenty more minutes." So, I wait. Sigh.

Winter in Michigan can be a bit nippy, so I was grateful Husband let me in to the warmth through the physician's entrance. Especially since that "40 minutes" plus "20 more" became two and a half hours. Multiple phone calls. Many lies on the part of the tow company. Ten minutes after calling my insurance company back - and an acknowledgement call from the NEW tow company - I was on my way. Three hours after leaving home.

So, I thought as I drove, about what kind of company would leave a woman stranded in a parking lot for nearly THREE hours? What has customer service become?

This is an area that is still moderately rural. One thing I cannot tolerate here is that, while many people are pleasant, many men here still treat women like we are ignorant. Have others just become used to it, or do I have higher expectations than most? The appliance repair guy, window repair man, John Deere dealership, tow company - what have I done to these men to be treated like I am some type of fool?

Will this mentality never end? Is it a gender thing, or is it just the waning of customer service skills? My blood is running cold this morning!

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